Web Programming: Hot Linking

If people are ‘hotlinking’ to your image files, they are using your bandwidth which you will ultimately pay for.

You can stop this from happening by placing a ‘.htaccess’ file in the folder where your images are stored. This will only allow requests from your own pages to display the images – anyone linking to them from outside of your website, or any website you choose, will have the ‘red x’ instead of the image.

Example: Your site url is http://www.mysite.com. To stop hotlinking of your images from other sites and display a replacement image called hotlink.gif from our server, place this code in your .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(.+\.)?mysite\.com/ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteRule .*\.(jpe?g|gif|bmp|png)$ http://altlab.com/hotlink.gif [L]

The first line of the above code begins the rewrite. The second line matches any requests from your own mysite.com url. The [NC] code means “No Case”, meaning match the url regardless of being in upper or lower case letters. The third line means allow empty referrals. The last line matches any files ending with the extension jpeg, jpg, gif, bmp, or png. This is then replaced by the hotlink.gif image from the altlab.com server. You could easily use your own hotlink image by placing an image file in your site’s directory and pointing to that file.

To stop hotlinking from specific outside domains only, such as myspace.com, blogspot.com and livejournal.com, but allow any other web site to hotlink images:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^http://(.+\.)?myspace\.com/ [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^http://(.+\.)?blogspot\.com/ [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^http://(.+\.)?livejournal\.com/ [NC]
RewriteRule .*\.(jpe?g|gif|bmp|png)$ http://altlab.com/hotlink.gif [L]

You can add as many different domains as needed. Each RewriteCond line should end with the [NC,OR] code. NC means to ignore upper and lower case. OR means “Or Next”, as in, match this domain or the next line that follows. The last domain listed omits the OR code since you want to stop matching domains after the last RewriteCond line.

You can display a 403 Forbidden error code instead of an image. Replace the last line of the previous examples with this line:

RewriteRule .*\.(jpe?g|gif|bmp|png)$ – [F]

Warning: Do not use .htaccess to redirect image hotlinks to another HTML page or server that isn’t your own (such as this html page). Hotlinked images can only be replaced by other images, not with an HTML page.

As with any htaccess rewrites, you may block some legitimate traffic (such as users behind proxies or firewalls) using these techniques.

HOwever, we sure want google reader to be able to access our image,

For those who don’t know, Google Reader can’t access images from blogs that have enabled hotlink protection.

If you have the same problem with Google Reader not displaying your blog’s post images and have disabled hotlinking via .htaccess, just follow this short and simple tutorial.

NOTE: Make sure you back up your existing .htaccess file before you do any modifications. In case something goes wrong, you can always revert to the original file.

The following is the basic code or .htaccess rule to disable hotlinking or protect images from hotlinking:

# Disable Hotlinking
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www.)?domain.com/ [NC]
RewriteRule .*.(jpeg|jpg|gif|png)$ - [F]

NOTE: Replace ?domain.com/ with  your own blog URL.

The following code/htaccess rule is the one  that will allow  Google Reader access to the hotlink-protected images  from your server. If you noticed, there are two lines. The first line is  for the regular Google Reader and the second one is  for Google Reader Mobile just in case you have readers  who use that.

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://www.google.com/reader/view/.*$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://www.google.com/reader/m/view/.*$ [NC]

Now, combine the previous code to basic disable hotlinking code and you should have this:

# Disable Hotlinking
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www.)?domain.com/ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://www.google.com/reader/view/.*$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://www.google.com/reader/m/view/.*$ [NC]
RewriteRule .*.(jpeg|jpg|gif|png)$ - [F]

Copy and paste the code to your .htaccess file, save it and upload it back to your web server. That should fix the issue and solve your problem with Google Reader not displaying your blog post images.





Tips: How to hide files in JPEG pictures

If you’re looking to hide files on your PC hard drive, you may have read about ways to encrypt folders or change the attributes on a file so that they cannot be accessed by prying eyes. However, a lot of times hiding files or folders in that way requires that you install some sort of software on your computer, which could then be spotted by someone else.

I’ve actually written quite a few articles on how you can hide files and folders in Windows XP and Vista before, but here I’m going to show you a new way to hide files that is very counter-intuitive and therefore pretty safe! Using a simple trick in Windows, you can actually hide a file inside of the JPG picture file!

You can actually hide any type of file inside of an image file, including txt, exe, mp3, avi, or whatever else. Not only that, you can actually store many files inside of single JPG file, not just one! This can come in very handy if you need to hide files and don’t want to bother with encryption and all that other technical stuff.

Hide File in Picture

In order to accomplish this task, you will need to have either WinZip or WinRAR installed on your computer. You can download either of these two off the Internet and use them without having to pay anything. Here are the steps for creating your hidden stash:

  • Create a folder on your hard drive, i.e. C:\Test and put in all of the files that you want to hide into that folder. Also, place the image that you will be using to hide the files in.

hide file in jpg

  • Now select all of the files that you want to hide, right-click on them, and choose the option to add them to a compressed ZIP or RAR file. Only select the files you want to hide, not the picture. Name it whatever you want, i,e. “Hidden.rar”.

add to archive

  • Now you should have a folder that looks something like this with files, a JPG image, and a compressed archive:

hidden rar

  • Now here’s the fun part! Click on Start, and then click on Run. Type in “CMD” without the quotes and press Enter. You should now see the command prompt window open. Type in “CD \” to get to the root directory. Then type CD and the directory name that you created, i.e. “CD Test“.

cd test

  • Now type in the following line: “copy /b DSC06578.JPG + Hidden.rar DSC06578.jpg” and press Enter. Do not use the quotes. You should get a response like below:

hide files in jpg

Just make sure that you check the file extension on the compressed file, whether it is .ZIP or .RAR as you have to type out the entire file name with extension in the command. I have heard that some people say that they have had problems doing this with a .ZIP extension, so if that doesn’t work, make sure to compress to a .RAR file.

And that’s it! The picture file will have been updated with the compressed archive inside! You can actually check the file size of the picture and see that it has increased by the same amount as the size of the archive.

You can access your hidden file in two ways. Firstly, simply change the extension to .RAR and open the file using WinRAR. Secondly, you can just right-click on the JPG image and choose Open With and then scroll down to WinRAR. Either way, you’ll see your hidden files show up that you can then extract out.


That’s it! That is all it takes to hide files inside JPG picture files! It’s a great way simply because not many people know it’s possible and no one even thinks about a picture as having to the ability to “hide” files. Enjoy!

source: online-tech-tips.com

Thanks for the heads up Rancid and Radhite

IT: Internet Leecher

Wuihh ada2 aja nih teknologi,..

kalau ada kebutuhan unduh tapi gak ada ver. lokalnya, ternyata ada jalan alternatifnya.

Namanya: Leecher

Ane belum nyoba sih,.. tapi sepertinya boleh untuk dipelajari dan diambil manfaatnya:


*tambahan mengenai caranya:

cara ngeleech megaupload:

1. buka link mega upload.
2. masukin code nya.
3. tunggu beberapa detik, keluar tulisan reguler, trus klik kanan d regulernya, copy link location.
4. trus buka http://gilankpam.co.tv/ , trus paste di tempat yg d sediakan.
5. tunggu beberapa saat, nunggu d lokalin. udh deh langsung sedot.

source: Giose Attack @ kaskus.us