Blackberry OS 6.0 is out for 9300

In case you didn’t know:

Official Operating System 9300 – from StarHub Ltd.

Here is some more operating system news for you folks that own the BlackBerry Curve 9300. StarHub Ltd. has made official for their customers, but remember, anybody can load this up by deleting the vendor.xml file.

If you don’t know what a vendor file is or you just need help in general, please check out our How To Thread that will guide you through upgrading your BlackBerry.
This one thread will get you through the entire process with pictures, video, and more.

and this is the unofficial one:

OS Leaked for the Curve 9300


Following behind the Bold 9700, the Curve 9300 now gets some love. It was just last week we saw the Curve 9300 get OS, which was supposed to be a fairly good build. Now, OS has been leaked. We aren’t sure of the changes as yet, so be sure to let us know what you think.

Please remember that this IS NOT an official release OS. If you wish to install this OS keep in mind that this may cause your phone to not function correctly. BlackberryOS and any other BlackberryOS Official sites are not responsible. If you are not comfortable and/or unsure as how to upgrade to this OS, please click the link below.


Unix Command: Not in the Sudoers File

The file /etc/sudoers, has the rules that users have to follow when using sudo command.

If you are (or was) running Ubuntu, you may know that by default the root account is not usable in Ubuntu, because it has no password, you may assign one and use it as in every other Linux, but that is another story. On normal Ubuntu Linux machines you need to use sudo command to perform operations as root.

I like that approach, and even though I am using Debian, I always give my account root rights, so I can run commands as root without changing to root.

sudo make me a sandwich

Comics from XKCD

As you can see from this funny picture, using sudo makes your system reacts as if was another user who are given the order.

Two of the best advantages about using sudo are:

  • Restringed privileges
  • Logs of the actions done by users

Well but in order to use sudo we first need to configure the sudoers file.

Do not edit directly the file

To edit it, use the command


You will see a file more or less like this.

# /etc/sudoers
# This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.
# See the man page for details on how to write a sudoers file.

Defaults        env_reset

# Host alias specification

# User alias specification

# Cmnd alias specification

# User privilege specification
root    ALL=(ALL) ALL

As you can see there is basically one line

root ALL=(ALL) ALL

This lines means that the user root can execute from ALL terminals, acting as ALL (any) users, and run ALL (any) command.

So the first part is the user, the second is the terminal from where the user can use sudo, the third is as which user he may act, and the last one, is which commands he may run.

Let’s see some other examples.

operator ALL= /sbin/poweroff

This makes that users operator can from any terminal, run the command poweroff.

You can also create aliases for: users -> User_Alias, run comands as other users -> Runas_Alias, host -> Host_Alias and command-> Cmnd_Alias

These are some examples:

User_Alias OPERATORS = joe, mike, jude
Runas_Alias OP = root, operator
Host_Alias OFNET =
Cmnd_Alias PRINTING = /usr/sbin/lpc, /usr/bin/lprm

As you can see the alias OPERATORS includes the users joe, mike and jude, the alias OP includes the users root and operator, alias OFNET includes the network (all the C class), and the command alias PRINTING includes the commands lpc and lprm.

So a typical sudoers file may look like this.

 User_Alias     OPERATORS = joe, mike, jude
 Runas_Alias    OP = root, operator
 Host_Alias     OFNET =
 Cmnd_Alias     PRINTING = /usr/sbin/lpc, /usr/bin/lprm


#The users in the OPERATORS group can run any command from
 any terminal.

linus ALL=(OP) ALL

# The user linus can run any command from any terminal as any 
user in the OP group (root or operator).


# user user2 may run any command from any machine in the 
OFNET network, as any user.


# user user3 may run lpc and lprm from any machine.

go2linux ALL=(ALL) ALL

# user go2linux may run any command from any machine acting
 as any user. (like Ubuntu)

If you want not to be asked for a password use this form


You may want to read sudoers man page

Edit: Sep. 09-2010

Here are some tips for vi:

1. Switch to root, (su root), then run visudo, (as above).
2. Find where it says “root ALL=(ALL) ALL”.
3. Type “o” to insert a new line below it.
4. Now type what you want to insert, eg “username ALL=(ALL) ALL”.
5. Hit esc to exit insert-mode.
6. Type “:x” to save and exit.

Credit to:

personal notes: to edit the sudoers file use the ‘visudo’ command as root


Compress JavaScript dengan Tools Rujukan Google

Javascript memberikan sentuhan yang sangat berbeda dan lebih beragam untuk desain web. Berbagai effect dan fungsi yang menarik bisa di tempelkan pada blog kita dengan Javascript. Namun, penambahan javascript menambah berat loading blog kita. Meski kini load blog / site performance (baca: Kinerja Situs di Webmaster Tools) menjadi patokan penting pemeringakatan Google, menghindari javascript bukan satu-satunya solusi. Berikut adalah beberapa solusi untuk Anda…

Gunakan Seperlunya
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Buat Milik Anda Pribadi
Pastikan kode javascript Anda adalah untuk blog Anda saja. Jangan gunakan langsung script yang dibagi ditempat umum, karena kemungkinan script itu dipakai oleh banyak orang bersamaan. Pelajari selengkapnya di: Membuat JavaScript Milik Anda Pribadi

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Baca: Beberapa Pilihan Hosting

Compress JavaScript
Ini adalah poin utama postingan ini. Dengan meng-compress javascript, kita bisa mendapatkan kinerja yang jauh lebih baik. Ada banyak pilihan tmpat untuk compress javascript online seperti:
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– Atau Anda bisa menggunakan tools rujukan Google, yakni Closure Compiler (Baca: Artikel Google tentang Compress Javascript).

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Selengkapnya di Compress JavaScript dengan Tools Rujukan Google

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