Autoplay / Autorun CD/DVD on Mac OS X or Windows

To accomplish you will need the following:
  • Access to a Windows machine
  • Access to a Mac
  • Arainia’s Gizmo Central
  • A basic understanding of how the Mac terminal works
  • Depending on what version you have on your Mac you may need the OS X Developer Tools (Xcode)
Part I
In Windows:
1. Prepare Windows data in a folder.
2. Create autorun.inf, place in root folder.
// NOTE: This file MUST be created on a Windows machine or else it will not work!
// The reasoning behind this is the End Of Line (EOL) is different on each system.
autorun.inf contents look like:
open=[exepath\]exefile [param1 [param2] …]  // executes selected file
icon=iconfilename[,index] // Icon displayed, can be from file or
// simply be an icon (.ico) file
label=LabelText  // Name of drive displayed in windows.
shell // Shell execute a command
**********Windows 8 or later**************
UseAutoPlay=1   // Autorun on use 1 to turn it off use 0

Sample autorun.inf file:
open=htmlfile.html // This will open the file “htmlfile.html” in the current directory
icon=myicon.ico // This icon will be displayed as the icon of the CD/DVD
label=MyDrive // This will result in the name of the CD/DVD to be “MyDrive”
UseAutoPlay=1 // Enables autorun on Windows 8

Part II
On the Mac:
1.  Put the Windows and Mac files in the same folder
  • Put autorun.inf in the root (highest level folder of your project)
2.  Set the windows how you want them to open on when the CD/DVD is inserted.
3.  Adding a customized background to the Mac window
  • Make a folder with the main folder and have it open separately from the main window. For simplicity name it “background”
  • Put the image you want to act as the background in it.
  • Press Command + J while focused on the window
  • Drag the image into the Picture box close the background folder
4.  Open the terminal and enter the following
chflags hidden “/path/to/background folder”
// this hides the folder without having to rename it
5.  Make files invisible
Use SetFile to accomplish this, it’s a part of the Mac Developer Tools
To find SetFile from the terminal use the following command (without the quotes):
“which SetFile”
This gives you the path to SetFile
To make files invisible
SetFile -a V /path/to/file/or/folder/you_want_to_hide
6.  Create the ISO from your main folder:
hdiutil makehybrid /source/folder/name -o outputFileName.iso
7.  Mount the ISO in read-write mode:
hdiutil attach -readwrite outputFileName.iso
8.  Place the windows where you want them to be.
9.  Make the current windows setup open when the CD/DVD is inserted:
sudo bless -folder “/Volume/discName” -openfolder “/Volume/discName”
10. Unmount the image. umount /dev/”disk”
  • disk is defined in the mount command

MacBook-Pro:bin user$ mount

/dev/disk0s2 on / (hfs, local, journaled) devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse)
map -hosts on /net (autofs, nosuid, automounted, nobrowse)
map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse)
/dev/disk2s2 on /Volumes/Command Line Tools (Lion) (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, read- only, noowners, quarantine, mounted by user)
MacBook-Pro:bin user$ umount /dev/disk3s2
MacBook-Pro:bin user$
11. Mount the image and test it in both Windows and OSX. Modify as needed.
Quoted from:

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